PAPUA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri confirmed that an attack was carried out at the Oksamel Sub-Sector Police, Gunung Bintang Regency by an unknown person (OTK), Friday, May 28 in the early hours of 01.30 WIT.

During the attack, a member of the National Police, namely the Sub-Sector Police Chief, Briptu Sanoi, died. A total of 3 firearms were taken.

"It is true that there was an attack that killed Brigadier Mario Senoi," said the Kapolda.

From the reports received at the time of the incident, the deceased was on duty alone because the Oksamol Sub-Sector Police only had four members of the National Police.

Three members are outside, two in Oksibil, the capital of the Bintang Mountains Regency and another in Jayapura, seeking treatment.

When carrying out the attack, the OTK numbered six people and the rifles were taken away, two types of SS1 V1 assault rifles, and one revolver and ammunition.

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