JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DKI DPRD from the PAN Faction, Zita Anjani, considers that giving a report card E for handling the DKI Jakarta Province pandemic cannot be justified.

According to Zita, the worst report card assessment from Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono hurt the feelings of health workers (health workers) who handle COVID-19 patients in the Capital City.

"Even though the transmission has increased, it cannot be said that the value of E. It hurts a lot of feelings for health workers in the capital. It is the same as ignoring the sacrifices of 18 health workers who have died fighting the pandemic," Zita told reporters, Friday, May 28.

According to Zita, it is legal for the central government to give an assessment to the province. However, it must be accompanied by clear, objective and data-based benchmarks. It's not just the rate of transmission.

"The quality of the health care responds, how much is the recovery rate, how much is the death rate? The Minister of Health must see that," he said.

According to Zita, so far, the DKI Health Service has been working optimally in tackling the corona. Based on COVID-19 data as of May 27, the cure rate reached 95.7 percent and the death rate was 1.7 percent.

"I hope the Vice Minister of Health can evaluate what has been said. We do not need values, the Central Government should encourage, protect and encourage health workers in the regions," he said.

It is known that DKI Jakarta is the only province with a pandemic handling score with a red report card or an E score. The Ministry of Health assesses that the Capital City's COVID-19 response is the worst compared to other provinces.

This was disclosed by Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono in a joint working meeting with Commission IX DPR RI, yesterday.

"We see that there are still many who are still in control, except for Jakarta. Jakarta has E capacity, because the BOR (filling of the bed) has started to increase and the tracing cases are not too good," said Dante.

Meanwhile, all provinces on the island of Kalimantan have a D, all provinces in Sulawesi have a C, in Java, except for Jakarta, have a D, almost all provinces on the island of Sumatra have a D, Bali are D, NTB are D, NTT are C, Maluku and North Maluku. with a C value, West Papua a D value, and Papua a C value.

"Based on the recommendations we made earlier in the matrix, there are several regions that have entered category D and category E such as Jakarta. But some are still in C, meaning that BOR is not too (filled) and provincial control is still good," he explained.

The indicators for assessing the handling of a pandemic in each province are seen from the level of transmission rate, namely indicators of the number of cases, the presence of imported cases, the emergence of case clusters, to the transmission of cases on a community scale.

Then, the level of transmission rate is juxtaposed with the level of the provincial government response capacity in handling cases, namely testing, tracing, and treatment (3T).

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