JAKARTA - In the midst of a lack of supply of the COVID-19 vaccine for residents in a number of countries in the world. Russia is already running a COVID-19 vaccination program for animals.

Starting yesterday, Russia launched a COVID-19 vaccination campaign for animals, followed by delivery of vaccines to various cities in the country of the Red Bear. Vaccines are administered in animal clinics.

"Russia has launched an animal vaccination program against COVID-19, said Yulia Melano, Chief Advisor to the Federal Service for Animal Control and Phytosanitation at Yulia Melano, launching TASS Thursday, May 27.

"Veterinary clinics in several regions of Russia have launched COVID-19 vaccinations against pets. The day before, the first batch of the only COVID-19 vaccines for animals in the world Carnivac-Cov was also dispatched to cities across Russia to prevent the spread of the disease. among the animals, "he insisted.

The Carnivac-Cov vaccine for animals was developed by scientists from the Federal Service for Animal Control and Phytosanitation (Rosselkhoznadzor) Russia.

"The Carnivac-Cov clinical trial, which began last October, involved dogs, cats, arctic foxes, minks, foxes and other animals," said Deputy Chief Rosselkhoznadzor Konstantin Savenkov some time ago.

According to Rosselkhoznadzor's announcement, for the first phase they produced 17 doses of the Carnivac-Cov vaccine. A number of countries are claimed to be interested in this vaccine, such as Germany, Greece, Poland, Austria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Lebanon, Iran and Argentina.

"The first batch will be supplied to several Russian regions," said regulator Rosselkhoznadzor in a statement quoted by Reuters on April 30.

To note, the World Health Organization (WHO) has raised concerns over the risk of transmission of the virus between humans and animals. Russian regulators said the vaccine would be able to protect susceptible species and thwart virus mutations.

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