BANJARMASIN - The Constitutional Court (MK) decided that the candidate pair for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Banjarmasin number 02, H Ibnu Sina and H Arifin Noor, legally won the Banjarmasin City Election.

"Alhamdulillah, today the Constitutional Court decided to reject the lawsuit of Paslon Hj Ananda and H Mushaffa Zakir (AnandaMu), and ratify the election results that we (KPU) have determined to win Ibnu-Arifin," said Banjarmasin City KPU member Syafruddin Akbar as quoted by Antara, Thursday, 27 May.

With the Constitutional Court's decision to validate the KPU's decision regarding the recapitulation of the 2020 Banjarmasin City Pilkada vote count results which was carried out by re-voting (PSU) in three urban villages on the pair Ibnu-Arifin, the Banjarmasin KPU will schedule a plenary meeting to determine the winner.

"The plan is tomorrow (28/5), but we are waiting for the Head of the Banjarmasin KPU to come from Jakarta first, what will be the results of the consultation with the KPU RI," he said.

As with the live broadcast of the trial for pronouncing the Constitutional Court's decision on AnandaMu's petition against the results of the determination of the winner of the 2020 Banjarmasin Pilwalkot after the PSU was held in three urban villages, namely Mantuil, Murung Raya, and Basirih Selatan, the Constitutional Court stated that they refused.

"Based on the assessment of the facts and laws as described above, the Court has concluded that the decision of the Banjarmasin City KPU Number 47 / PL / 02/6-kPT / 647 / KPU-Kot / V / 2021 concerning the recapitulation of the vote count results after the Constitutional Court decision is valid," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.

Thus, he continued, the decision of the Banjarmasin KPU to determine candidate pairs Ibnu Sina and Arifin Noor for the re-voting vote acquisition (PSU) was legal according to law.

"Ordered the respondent (KPU Banjarmasin) to determine the elected candidate pair in the election for mayor and deputy mayor of Banjarmasin in 2020," said Anwar Usman while tapping the hammer.

After the PSU, the candidate pair (candidate pair) number 02 Pilkada Banjarmasin Ibnu Sina-Arifin excels over the other candidate pairs.

The pair Ibn Sina-Arifin won a total of 89,378 votes, while its closest competitor, AnandaMu, won 81,262 votes or a disagreement of 8,116 votes.

In third place was Paslon H Haris Makkie and Ilham Noor with 34,875 votes, while the last position was occupied by Paslon H Khairul Saleh and Habib Muhammad Ali Al Habsyi with 29,926 votes.

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