JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto explained the progress of the case as of Sunday, May 3 at 12.00 WIB. There were an additional 349 confirmed positive cases today. The total number of positive cases became 11,192 people.

Even so, there was good news received. The number of recovered cases has outperformed the death cases. There were an additional 211 patients recovered, bringing the total to 1,876 patients. Meanwhile, 14 people died, bringing it to 845 patients.

Yuri revealed that the highest factor that causes patients to die is hypertension congenital disease. Followed by diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease, both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Then, additional numbers also occurred in patient data under surveillance (PDP) with a total of 23,130 people. Meanwhile, cases of people under monitoring (ODP) increased to 236,369.

The test of saliva specimens (swab) or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has been carried out as many as 112,965 times. The number of cases examined was 83,012 people.

Yuri stated that various experts and universities had conducted studies in the form of mathematical calculations regarding the estimated development of the COVID-19 case in the next few months.

"We thank and appreciate these efforts. Optimism to reduce the COVID-19 outbreak in June July 2020 based on mathematical calculations is our common challenge," said Yuri at a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Sunday, May 3.

Therefore, Yuri hopes that Indonesia can be free from the COVID-19 pandemic to coincide with Independence Day which falls on 17 August.

"Let us look forward to August 2020 for the struggle for independence that spills our beloved blood. Let's fight by imitating the spirit of struggle to become truly independent from the COVID-19 pandemic," said Yuri.

To achieve independence, of course there must be a struggle. So, said Yuri, if Indonesia wants to be independent from COVID-19, its people must become heroes to save their families and the surrounding environment to avoid the transmission of the corona virus.

"Because the key is for all of us to be obedient at home, not traveling, obedient not going home, to be obedient to wash our hands using soap and running water, to obey always using masks. This is our weapon to fight against the transmission of COVID-19," said Yuri. .

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