PAPUA - Jayawijaya Regent of Papua Province Jhon Richard Banua immediately called the officials and fire staff (damkar) to evaluate their performance.

The Regent's move follows the handling of fires that occurred in a row not long ago. The community highlighted the damkar's performance because it was considered slow in handling.

For example, in a fire not far from the damkar headquarters that killed a married couple. Their three children were also injured in the incident.

Said Regent Jhon, evaluation was conducted to improve services in damkar, which is also still under the agency Pamong Praja Police Unit (Satpol PP).

"I again want to call, evaluation of the performance of the team in damkar so that when the vehicle must be ready, the officer must also be ready," he said in Jayawijaya reported from Antara, Tuesday, May 25. Jhon expects damkar officers to be on standby to move immediately when a fire occurs.

In addition, officers must be more agile in helping the community or fire victims.

"So if there is a fire incident, we do not find any more officers, it must be ready all," he said.

He expects Satpol PP to continue to implement local regulations by using existing facilities.

"Actually if it's just for enforcement of the law there's a small car so I think the limitations of the vehicle is not an excuse," Jhon said.

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