JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appointed Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito to replace Doni Monardo who entered retirement on June 1. The inauguration was held at the State Palace on Tuesday, May 25 at around 10:25 a.m.

In lieu of Doni, Ganip has assets of Rp8.143 billion. This figure is based on the State Operator's Wealth Report (LHKPN) which he reported on March 24 while serving as the Chief of The General Staff (Kasum) of the TNI.

Based on the report, Ganip is recorded as having wealth in the form of land and buildings located in four locations, namely Magelang, Sleman, Way Kanan, and Malang. The value of these four land and building assets reached Rp7,750 billion.

In addition, he is recorded to have one unit of Toyota Fortuner in 2017 worth Rp220 million and one unit of KTM Trail motorcycle in 2016 worth Rp20 million. Furthermore, Ganip is also noted to have other moving assets worth Rp173 billion.

Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito is a former Commander of the Joint Command of the Defense Region (Pangkogabwilhan) III. He only served as TNI General for more than three months after being appointed Commander of TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto on February 1, 2021.

A graduate of the Military Academy (Akmil) 1986, he is experienced in infantry. He also served as Pangkogabwilhan III, Pangdam XIII/Merdeka, Asops Panglima TNI, and Pangkogabwilhan III.

He replaced Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo who sat as Head of BNPB since January 9, 2019. Prior to BNPB, he had filled the position of Commander General of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus).

Doni was a 1985 military academy (akmil) with experience in infantry.

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