JAKARTA - Former head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Bambang Widjojanto suspects KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri of lying. This allegation was submitted in response to the issue of a request for news of the examination event (BAP) bribery case in Tanjungbalai which firli had previously denied.

According to BW, his friendly greeting, the rebuttal that mentions Firli and other KPK leaders asking for news of the exposé event is just an alibi. Because, based on the Decision of the Kpk Leadership Number KEP-562A/01-20/05/2016 concerning Standard Standard Procedure (SOP) of the Ministry of Enforcement, does not recognize the nomenclature of news of exposé events.

"The request for news of the exposé event is suspected to be only an alibi to avoid the signal of the request for BAP Syahrial by the Chairman of the KPK. An alibi like this can be accused as slander, in the form of a very real lie by the Chairman of the KPK. The request is also contrary to perkom KPK," BW said in a statement to reporters, Tuesday, May 25.

Furthermore, to avoid the news of this intersection, he suggested that the Chairman of the KPK explain by showing articles or rules that explain the news of the exposé event. "If you can't, he said, then don't blame it if there's an alleged lie in that statement," BW said.

"We believe that corruption cannot be eradicated by acts of lies," he added.

Acting (Plt) kpk spokesman for the field of crackdown Ali Fikri said, Firli did not lie when clarifying about the request for news of the examination event (BAP) cases of alleged corruption in Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra. He claimed, what was conveyed was a description according to the facts.

"Sometimes telling the truth yes there are disbelief, depending on the interpretation of our respective minds. For us it's normal, it can't force anyone to understand what we've said," he said.

Reported earlier, KPK denied its chairman, Firli Bahuri asked for news of the examination event (BAP) of the Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M Syahrial. This rebuttal was delivered after circulating information of a BAP request made by Firli's personal staff.

The request was said to lock down the position of one of the kpk leaders Lili Pintauli Siregar whose name was dragged in the alleged bribery termination investigation of the Tanjungbalai Mayor's case.

Acting Kpk Spokesman Ali Fikri said the request occurred on May 5. At that time, the chairman held a meeting related to the alleged corruption of the sale and purchase of positions in the city of Tanjungbalai and asked for news of the results of the conclusion of the title of the case or exposé of the previous leader.

"When the leadership is holding a meeting on May 5, 2021 and ask for news of the results of the conclusion of the previous leadership exposé and not the News Of Examination Event (BAP) on the handling of the matter of buying and selling positions in the city of Tanjungbalai," Ali told reporters, Monday, May 24.

This request is intended to strengthen the explanation if the exposé related to the sale and purchase of positions by M Syahrial has been held by the kpk leadership in the previous period. The news of the exposé result is requested to contain minutes of meeting of the case handling process.

"The news of the exposé was requested by all leaders and not only at the request of the kpk chairman," ali said.

However, there was a misunderstanding between the secretary of the Chairman of the KPK when requesting news of the exposé to the head of the task force (kasatgas) investigation that handled this alleged corruption. "Kasatgas then sent an email to the Director of Investigation containing BAP Perkara. Because the news of the exposé event was ignored," he said.

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