JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena insists the case of illegal vaccination in Medan, North Sumatra (Sumut) should be a serious evaluation for all parties involved in the process of procuring the distribution and use of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"We hope that in the future this will be a total evaluation of all parties involved from the procurement of vaccines," Melki said, Monday, May 24.

Golkar politicians reminded, the party responsible in the process of procurement of vaccine distribution to the field to always control the performance and work patterns of officers. In this case, there should be documentation of all activities related to the distribution process and audited periodically.

"So the parties involved should be thoroughly checked for performance and documentation on the ground, so there is absolutely no blame for this kind of irregularities," Melki said.

As for the illegal vaccine sales, legislators dapil NTT proposed to be given strict sanctions for perpetrators. The goal is to be a deterrent effect not to commit similar abuses in the next national vaccination program.

Moreover, said Melki, the COVID-19 vaccine should be given for free to all Indonesians in accordance with the scale of priorities set by the government.

Melki assessed, the authorities also need to trace the case so as not to let illegal vaccinations occur elsewhere. Thus, the gaps can be eradicated and not repeated similar events.

Because, the existence of COVID-19 vaccine that is traded illegally certainly jeopardizes the implementation of the national vaccination program that is currently underway.

"The legal apparatus must thoroughly examine how the governance, procurement of distribution and use of vaccines in the field involving many of these parties. It leaks everywhere, especially in Jakarta and Medan," said Melkiades Laka Lena.

It is known that two doctors in North Sumatra are suspects in the case of alleged bribery or illegal sale of COVID-19 vaccines to several community groups in Medan.

Both are dr. IW (45) ASN / Doctor in Rutan Klas I Medan and KS (47) ASN / Doctor at the Provincial Health Office of North Sumatra as the recipient of bribes.

Sinovac vaccine sales ration prison officers and residents rutan Class I Medan for the public charged a tariff of Rp 250,000 per person.

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