BOGOR - Residents of Griya Melati Bubulak Housing in Bogor city who confirmed positive COVID-19 increased by 12 people to a total of 58 people. All have been evacuated to stop transmission in the housing estate.

The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, said that out of the 58 people exposed to COVID-19, 57 people were evacuated to the COVID-19 Isolation Center at bpkp pusdiklat in Ciawi, Bogor Regency.

While one other person was evacuated to Karya Bhakti Pratiwi Dramaga Hospital because he had comorbid with moderate clinical symptoms.

All residents exposed to COVID-19 were evacuated from their homes using two Transportation Department buses and two ambulances, escorted by officers from the Health Office and police.

According to Bima Arya, on Monday, there were 58 people exposed to COVID-19, while on the day before 46 people were exposed to COVID-19.

"So there are an additional 12 people," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Monday, May 24.

The additional 12 people after 75 residents from close contact search results and residents who had previously undergone antigen swab tests, then underwent another PCR swab test. As a result, an additional 12 people were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

According to Bima, although from the antigen swab test the negative result must be ascertained again through a PCR swab test.

"From the PCR test although the results are negative, but if it has clinical symptoms, it should be processed in anticipation of a new variant corona virus attack," he said.

Bima Arya said that he had contacted Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, asking for help to investigate the spread of COVID-19 in The Griya Melati Housing in Bogor City which is growing very fast.

"I have contacted the Minister of Health to pay attention to the surge in positive cases of COVID-19 in Bogor city by assisting the genome skuensing process," he continued.

According to him, through the process of sequencing the genome to detect, whether the corana virus that spreads in bogor city is a new variant or not," he said.

The Minister of Health, he said, has sent a team to Bogor City and has taken samples from covid-19 cases in Griya Maleti Housing. "Hopefully the process can be fast, so that the results can be quickly known," he said.

Bima also instructed the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 bogor city to implement quarantine on residents of Griya Melati Housing with negative activity restrictions.

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