MEDAN - Police continue to investigate the case of sinovac vaccine sale involving doctors and ASN, in the North Sumatra Health Office.

Head of Sub-District Penmas Polda Sumut, AKBP MP Nainggolan, said that his party is currently examining the former Health Cadre of Sumut Alwi Mujahid, as well as the current Acting Health Cadre Aris Yudhariansyah.

"The club has submitted a letter to the Provincial Kadinkes Plt and former provincial Kadiskes to attend today in Krimsus," he said, Tuesday, May 24.

Both were called as witnesses. "Their testimony was heard as a witness," he added.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations of Polda Sumut Kombes Hadi Wahyudi said that the police are indiscriminate in this case. He stressed that if there are other parties involved in the illegal sale of COVID-19 vaccines will definitely be examined.

"Basically anyone with that involvement will be called and questioned by investigators," Hadi said.

North Sumatra Police previously assigned four suspects, namely 2 ASN doctors in Dinkes Sumut KS and IW, then ASN Dinskes Sumut SH, then property agent SW.

As a result of the investigation, the four perpetrators have already conducted 15 illegal vaccinations. The perpetrators get the vaccine from the North Sumatra Health Office and then sell it R 250 thousand for each vaccine.

"The total number of participants who participated in their vaccinations was 1085 people. then from that activity they gained a profit of Rp 271 million," said Chief of Police Sumut, Irjen RZ Panca Putra last week.

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