JAKARTA - A meme featuring a picture of Klaten Regent Sri Mulyani has been milling about on social media in recent days. Sri Mulyani's photos were edited and attached to various photos, such as billboards in video games, shoe logos, and book covers, which were uploaded by netizens.

Sri Mulyani's meme emerged after the disclosure of assistance for handling COVID-19 in the form of a hand sanitizer from the Ministry of Social Affairs which was hit by a photo sticker of Sri Mulyani's self. In the sticker, Sri Mulyani wore official clothes while clenching her fists and making a smile.

After the excitement of the sitker finding on the hand sanitizer, it was also revealed that Sri Mulyani's photos were everywhere. Photos with pictures of him pinned in plastic bags, in rice sacks, until Sri Mulyani's name is inscribed on masks that will be distributed to Klaten residents. Sri Mulyani was increasingly discussed until the hashtag #BupatiKlatenMemalukan perched on the trending topic of Twitter.

Warganet agrees that Sri Mulyani should not take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic as a means of self-image. As a result, many netizens criticized him by turning Sri Mulyani's photo into a funny meme.

A netizen named Mazzini confirmed that his goal of participating in making joke memes with Sri Mulyani pictures uploaded on the @mazzini_gsp account was a criticism. That way, Sri Mulyani was subjected to social sanctions because of negative sentiment in society.

Referring to the case of sticking stickers on hand sanitizers, it is not good for him if assistance from an institution, in this case the Ministry of Social Affairs, seems to be claiming that I came from Sri Mulyani himself.

"Don't let help from other institutions, as if he acknowledged assistance. That kind of stop. Instead of looking everywhere, it's better to just prove your performance," said Mazzini to VOI, Wednesday, April 29.

According to a social observer from UGM Suprapto, memes wrapped in satire tones are a means of controlling human values and norms. "If the norm is violated, the person concerned will receive criticism, isolation, ridicule, and so on," said Suprapto when contacted by VOI.

Meanwhile, sociologist Sunyoto Usman interpreted the distribution of Sri Mulyani's memes on social media as a message in the form of a critical note from netizens that social assistance must be given without strings attached.

"They think there is no need for symbols that can raise suspicions of contestation of power, even though the regent is part of the political force that is already in power," said Sunyoto.

Sunyoto also saw the existence of social sanctions imposed by the community for Sri Mulyani. However, according to him, social sanctions carried out only in the form of discourse in cyberspace are usually less effective in giving a deterrent effect to those being criticized.

"The regent usually makes counter discourses, as well as new discourses that will immediately divert the case of the Klaten Regent," he said.

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