'I'm Not Going To Let You Down': The 20-year-old Says He's 'very Good' At Being A 'big Hit'
Illustration (Irfan Meidianto/VOI)

JAKARTA - Senior investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan said there was never an explanation about the National Insight Test (TWK) either orally or in writing after he was declared un graduated.

So far, the information obtained regarding it is only requested to submit duties and responsibilities. The information was obtained from a decree signed by kpk chairman Firli Bahuri.

"In the decree it is said that ordered to hand over duties and responsibilities," said Novel in a discussion on the Youtube channel Karni Ilyas Club quoted by VOI, Saturday, May 22.

"What the pattern is like is not clear, therefore we ask the kpk leadership by submitting a letter. But verbal explanation we have not got, written letter also we have not got,"Continued Novel.

In the absence of answers, novel continued, he and 74 KPK employees decided to find out the real problem. As a result, various problems were found.

"Me and my friends who were 75 people earlier (including Novel) made like ineligible. We then researched, it turned out that the problem was so much," he said.

The problem found was rulemaking. Because, do not follow the existing Laws and Government Regulations. Thus, it is considered to have been distorted.

In the existing rules, said Novel, all KPK employees will be transferred to the state civil apparatus. It means not being selected as it has happened

"So the transition of KPK employees to this ASN, it is mandated in Law Number 19 of 2019. In the law it is said to be a transition if the name of the transition, will switch not be selected or done recruitment," he said

"And then explained also in PP number 41. In the PP it is said, the same transition. And from the information submitted from the government and parliament at the time of discussion of the Law it is also said that the spirit is a transition that does not harm the interests of KPK employees who do not harm their rights," he continued.

In fact, Novel also cited the decision of the Constitutional Court. Where, containing the rules should not harm kpk employees who have long served.

"It is also in line with the Decision of the Constitutional Court which says it should not be the right of KPK employees who have done service for so long harmed," he said.

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