JAKARTA - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin revealed that the entire Bogor Regency is in an orange zone. Meanwhile, the case of positive confirmation of COVID-19 is quite widespread.

In the last month of Ramadan, the positive figure is still around 90 percent, but now it has reached 57 percent or below 60 percent. This, according to him, is a significant result related to sealing, PPKM Micro up to rt / RW level.

And there are reports of people who continue to enter so that in a short time bogor regency can track and cooperate with 101 puskesmas that must also quickly respond down to the homes of residents who confirmed positive COVID-19.

"They already understand self-isolation but the difficulty is when there are people who OTG (people without symptoms, red) do not report. But we encourage any symptoms to immediately report to the nearest hospital," said Ade in a discussion polemic Trijaya titled New Variant of COVID-19 online, Saturday, May 22.

Then, continued Ade, since H-7 Eid then Bogor Regency has been anticipating and since the homecoming ban was imposed the government immediately conducted a sealing.

"It is difficult when the tour is opened so it is impossible for us to ask first to go home or tour. At the beginning we ask, if you want to go home we ask for a u-turn, if the tour we ask if there is already a message through online. However, when the situation is out of control we no longer sort the end out of the F plate we turn it around instantly. Because if we check the traffic jam until Jakarta. But I ordered the officers in the field to do discretion," jelas Ade.

After Eid, said Ade, no longer do the sealing but random sampling for travelers. "So we do a check, which comes home we check randomly whether it is affected by covid or not with antigens," he said.

When referring to the numbers, the decrease in cases in Bogor Regency is quite significant. Because, the majority of the population is not overseas so it is not too large number of travelers.

"It actually works a lot in Jakarta so take the most trains. So we appeal to them when working to do a swab or in their office including the industry encouraged swab antigen," he said.

For the budget, Ade Yasin admitted that bogor district is relatively safe and even provided for health workers to vaccinate who need 1.2 million vaccines.

Meanwhile, citing cases of a new variant of the COVID-19 mutation, Ade said the area is still safely under control.

Ade explained, in anticipation of the task force district can not supervise all areas if bogor regency does not have legs below.

"This means that we order the sub-district task force to supervise and see the extent of the development of covid up or down, then the head of the village task force, the head of the village assigns RT / RW to escort the micro PPKM so the chances are small because the report must also be fast we also monitor the below. There is also a group wa each camat must report developments in their respective regions," he said.

For the most VULNERABLE sub-districts of COVID-19, are those adjacent to DKI and Bekasi namely Cibinong, Gunung Puteri, Cileungsi. "It's every day there's got to be a case," Ade said.

Safe from Exposure to New Mutations

Related to the existence of new cases of B1617 mutation variants that have entered Indonesia, Regent Ade appealed to entrepreneurs, especially large companies to vaccinate gotong royong. Because, the government's program is only for people who are related to services.

"The development of vaccines has been fair in private companies already 9.06 percent gotong royong. That means they realize the health of their workers is important," he said.

"While nakes 95.44 percent almost 100 percent vaccinated. We're still pushing for a new senior 6 percent. Many are afraid and do not want to," he continued.

While foreign workers, Ade revealed most had returned to their respective countries even before the covid spread and no one returned.

"Perhaps from Korea we will continue to monitor," he explained.

Although Bogor Regency is still fairly safe exposure to new mutations, the Regent still urges the public to always be aware of the existence of a variant virus from India that has infected jakartans. Moreover, many Bogor residents work in the capital.

"If because the village is far from the city so quiet enough for a new variant. But we are worried about the transmission of public facilities through trains," he said.

"From Bojong Gede alone there have been many who took the train. We ask awareness to apply prokes using masks. We also urge vaccinations," Ade Yasin pointed out.

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