JAKARTA - The rise of fundraising for Palestine conducted by the Community and social institutions has not been supervised. The Indonesian government is required to audit the flow of humanitarian aid funds to Palestine.

According to members of the House of Representatives PDI Perjuangan Muchamad Nabil Haroen Faction, the audit was conducted as a form of transparency and accountability of humanitarian aid, for the common good.

Because, in recent days there has been a lot of solidarity and fundraising for Palestine. "There are many institutions and even individuals who raise support and raise funds on behalf of Palestine," Nabil said in a statement Saturday, May 22.

In addition, he continued, it is also necessary to supervise international financial and philanthropic institutions in order for donations and support to be maximized and generate public benefit.

Supposedly, he said, the Government of Indonesia sets regulations and at the same time mechanisms for the distribution of funds to Palestine. "By involving related parties such as ambassadors or representatives of the Palestinian Authority in Jakarta," he said.

Members of Commission IX of the House of Representatives said the Government of Indonesia from the beginning supported Palestinian sovereignty, as well as condemned aggression and all forms of colonialism.

In fact, it is rallying the support of various countries to jointly express their stance and ask the United Nations to stop the violence in Israel-Palestine.

"Indonesian Muslims also expressed tremendous attitude and concern for Palestine, which essentially supports peace between the two parties," said the Chairman of the Nusa Nahdlatul Ulama Pagar Center.

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