JAKARTA - Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination At the Central Level & Ambassador for New Habit Adaptation (AKB), dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, said the third wave of vaccinations are reserved for the group of People With Mental Disorders (ODGJ), people with disabilities, and living in areas vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 in the DKI Jakarta area.

People living in densely populated settlements are also part of the target of vaccinations of this wave. Later, the health office provides vaccines in coordination with local villages, social services (especially for people with disabilities), hospitals (for ODGJ).

"Must meet the requirements, in DKI Jakarta must live in vulnerable areas, prone to the spread of COVID-19, live densely populated settlements, ODGJ and people with disabilities," said Reisa quoted Antara, Friday, May 21.

Furthermore, prospective recipients of the vaccine must also pass the initial health screeing including blood pressure (below 180/110 mmHg), normal temperature that is below 37.5 degrees Celsius, for those who have concomitant or comorbid diseases must ensure the disease is controlled or pocket a letter of recommendation from the doctor who examined it.

This third wave of vaccination is one of the steps to accelerate the national vaccination program. As of May 20, 2021, 40,349,049 targeted people received the vaccine, with the first vaccine receiving 14,369,233 people and an additional daily vaccine recipient of approximately 269,479 people.

As for the second dose the range increased to about 9,536,000 people. "So, since January 13 until now there have been 23.9 million injections given," said Reisa.

Vaccination is one of the steps to achieve herd immunity or group immunity that ultimately breaks the chain of transmission of the virus. If the population wants to be protected from one particular disease then the immunization threshold must be reached. This condition can be achieved if vaccination is done massively in a relatively short time.

"Vaccines are later given to create antibodies. Vaccines don't have to get sick just yet there are antibodies. He can help not spread and break the chain of transmission," reisa said.

People who have been fully vaccinated get 3 times greater protection than those who are not vaccinated. Even if he gets infected, it usually won't get to the heavy stage.

He added that vaccines entering Indonesia have passed clinical trials, recommended by experts, in accordance with safety, quality and efficacy standards.

"Many brands for COVID-19 but no need to be picky, all vaccines are the same function, the goal is to cause antibodies," said Reisa.

In addition to vaccination, people should also be disciplined in applying health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands regularly, maintaining distance, reducing mobility and staying away from crowds.

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