JAKARTA - Public enthusiasm regarding the Pre-Work Card program is very high, in addition to the pros and cons of the program. The executive management of the Pre-Work Card program announced that 288,000 participants had entered the second batch. This figure is more than the first wave, namely 168,111 people.
The Executive Director of Pre-Work Implementation Management, Denni Puspa Purbasari, said that up to now there are 8.6 million people who have successfully registered on the www.prakerja.go.id page. All participants of this program come from Sabang to Merauke.
"We received several video testimonials from the beneficiaries. They mostly like English, both grammar and toefl. We saw that what the public bought was of various kinds, buying 24 thousand to 1.5 million. Because what we serve is 5.6 million, we have a strategy. provide as much as possible, "he said, in a video conference on the theme 'Pre-Employment Cards: You Ask, We Explain', Wednesday, April 29.
Participants in the Pre-Employment Card program receive an incentive of Rp. 2,400,000 per person from the total funds they receive of Rp. 3,550,000. Pure incentive funds will be paid every month Rp.600,000 for four months. The remaining funds represent training costs of IDR 1,000,000 and employment survey funds of IDR 150,000.
"Yesterday we sent a balance of Rp. 3.55 million to 288,000 beneficiaries in the second batch," he said.
Denni explained that the Pre-Employment Card program had been changed from its original goal of increasing the competence and skills of participants according to the needs of the job market, now to semi-social assistance (bansos) in the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19, which continues to provide training.
For your information, the provision of training is also in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 36 of 2020 concerning the development of work competencies through the Pre-Work Card program. In this program, participants are given a training fee of IDR 1,000,000 which will later be used to purchase training packages available of 2,000 types.
According to Denni, all training packages come from 233 training institutions connected to eight digital platforms, namely Tokopedia, Teacher Room, What Do You Want to Learn, Bukalapak, Pintaria, Sekolahmu, Pijar Mahir, and Kemnaker.go.id.
Denni explained, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 36 of 2020, the requirements to become a participant in the Pre-Employment Card program are Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are 18 years old and do not go to school or study. When the situation is normal, the focus of this program is to reduce youth unemployment. But with this, the COVID-19 outbreak has a new mandate, which is to help informal workers and MSME business actors who are affected by their lives.
"They are a priority. This means that young unemployed people still have a small portion. Priority groups, where do you know from? BP Jamsostek. We have the data from BP Jamsostek. Then, input from the Ministry / Institution we identify the brand NIK. We are, after all, talking about greater demand. of the quota provided by the State Budget, "he said.
Regarding how to select the participants who passed, Denni explained, the selection was by using a random system. Everyone who registers has the same priority to take.
"No wonder how come there are regencies in North Maluku and Papua. We make sure the proportion of the population is proportional," he said.
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