JAKARTA - Police call the man with the initials RTS (27), the brains of the crime of rape and theft of teenagers in Bekasi had fled to the Bogor area. RTS hid in his relative's house.

"We are safe in the area of Nanggung Village, Bogor, West Java in the place of his brother concerned," Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters on Thursday, May 20.

Based on the examination, RTS admitted to fleeing to Bogor knowing his colleague, RP, had been arrested. Because after his partner was arrested, RTS had visited his house.

"Then RTS we do an examination, so indeed he knows from the beginning at the time of completion of the arrest of his colleague the RP," said Yusri.

"He had come to rp's residence and learned that RP had just been arrested by jatanras friends of Metro Jaya Police. So he fled towards Bogor and hid in his brother's house," Yusri continued.

The existence of RTS, said Yusri, can be known based on the instructions obtained. There is information if RTS fled to Bogor area.

"From the results of the report of the community who saw RTS in the area then we secure and we have brought it here," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, based on the examination, RTS recklessly committed rape because his desire just arose. While sneaking into the victim's house to steal, he saw the victim playing on a cell phone. That's when the perpetrator raped the victim.

"So that there is a malicious intention from the perpetrator to commit rape, now this is only based on the initial information that we did. Because it was only early this morning that we secured, we just did a preliminary examination first. That's the motive, because he saw half an hour of the victim playing mobile phone in the living room," said Yusri.

Despite the arrest of the two suspects, police are still investigating the case. What's more, the brains of these crimes claim to have acted five times.

RTS is entangled with Article 365 of the Criminal Code, Article 285 of the Criminal Code, Article 76d juncto Article 81 of the Child Protection Act.

It was reported earlier that Polda Metro Jaya arrested two people with the initials RP (28) and AH (35) who were involved in a theft case accompanied by sexual violence against a 15-year-old child in Bekasi, West Java.

The two perpetrators were arrested based on reports from the victim's parents who reported to the Bekasi City Metro Police, their children became victims of sexual violence and mobile phone theft.

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