JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has paid attention to the hacking experienced by a number of members of the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and the former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), so that they immediately follow up legally if they have obtained sufficient initial evidence.

"In general, the National Police will definitely follow up on something that is of concern to the public, and it is impossible to ignore it," said Head of the Public Information Division (Kabagpenum) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, at the Public Relations Building of the Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday.

Ramadan said that in order to make an incident a case, the National Police needed sufficient initial evidence to follow up.

"The initial evidence is sufficient so that the public can help, provide evidence to the Police, that can be, that is the role of the community," said Ramadhan.

The National Police also guarantees that participating communities help reveal criminal acts protected in the Witness Protection Law, such as protected identities.

To report this, the public can communicate directly to Polri members, or send information to known Polri members.

"So you can come or you can also call, maybe to known members," said Ramadhan.

Ramadhan emphasized that when there was a crime, the National Police opened the door as wide as possible to get information from the public.

Previously, a number of Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) members, LBH Jakarta activists, and former KPK Chairman Bambang Widjojanto were reported to have been hacked on Monday, May 17.

The hack was allegedly linked to a Press Conference on "Investigating the Weakness of the Corruption Eradication Commission through the Termination of 75 Employees".

The activists admit that they have been terrorized and have experienced hacking of whatsapp numbers, emails, social media, to terror using unknown phone numbers.

This hacking incident occurred repeatedly, previously it was also experienced at the discussion on the revision of the KPK Law in March 2020.

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