JAKARTA - The sad news came from the Former Spokesperson for the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid or Gusdur. He died at Pondok Indah Hospital, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 19.

"Just now Pak Wimar passed away peacefully around 9 o'clock," said IMX Director Erna Indriana, when contacted by VOI, Thursday, May 19.

Erna asked all people to pray for and forgive the mistakes of the deceased. "Please forgive your mistakes and thank you for all the prayers," said Erna.

Wimar Witoelar, was treated for a week at the ICU, Pondok Indah Hospital, South Jakarta. He has been treated for a week since being treated Wednesday, May 12.

Erna Indriana said that the treatment for Wimar was maximal. The team of doctors who treated, reached 6 people. He hopes, Wimar will be given a cure soon.

"We hope there will be a recovery for him soon," said Erna when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, May 18.

He said, Wimar's current condition is still the same as since he first entered and there has been no change. However, it tends to be stable.

"His condition is critical, but stable because of ventilator assistance," he said.

During this treatment, Wimar routinely dialed blood. Wimar was also sedated to maximize the work of the ventilator. "Because if he is not sedated, he is very weak," said Erna.

Erna said that Wimar had received outpatient treatment due to stomach problems some time ago. After that, he looked limp. With that condition, Wimar was taken to RSPI and directed to the ICU. From the results of the examination he was diagnosed with sepsis.

"A week before, Mr. Wimar was outpatient, there was a complaint in the stomach, and this is different from now. Coming home from the hospital (for treatment) he seemed to be constantly weak, and did not improve. We took him to the hospital again, to the emergency room. go straight to the ICU, "he said.

Erna explained, sepsis is a serious infection throughout the body that results in multiorgan failure.

From the results of other examinations, Wimar was not exposed to COVID-19. "The PCR results are already there. And yesterday someone was allowed to visit, if there is COVID, you can't (visit). Then the ICU is also together with other patients," he said.

During the treatment, Erna said, Wimar was accompanied by one of her children. Meanwhile, his other child is in Norway and has not been able to return to Jakarta because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So the ones who take care of them are the children who are here with his wife. Every day we follow the assistance and all the doctor's recommendations, we try to get maximum care," he said.

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