JAKARTA - Richard Joost (RJ) Lino's attorney team as the applicant asked the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court to grant all pretrial proceedings. The lawsuit relates to the investigation of a case conducted by the KPK on allegations of corruption in the procurement of three QCC units at PT Pelindo II, which charged him as a suspect.

"Requesting that the panel of judges accept this pretrial request in its entirety," said RJ Lino's lawyer, Agus Dwiwarsono at the hearing, Tuesday, May 18.

In their lawsuit, RJ Lino's team of lawyers asked the panel of judges to declare the investigation process carried out by the KPK to be illegal. This is because the Investigation Commencement Order (SPDP) which is the basis for the investigation has exceeded a period of two years.

"Declare that the Investigation Order Number: Sprin-Dik-55/01/12/2015 dated 15 December 2015 and the Investigation Warrant Number: Sprin.Dik / 66A / DIK.00 / 01/04/2018 dated 17 April 2018 are invalid, "said Agus.

"Since the commencement of the investigation process, which is calculated until the applicant's detention on March 26, 2021, is 5 years 1 month and 10 days," he continued.

In addition, the panel of judges was also asked to state that the KPK was not authorized to carry out investigations against the applicant. The reason is that this violates the norms of Article 11 paragraph (1) letter b, and paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 70 C of Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission.

"According to the article, the KPK is not authorized to carry out investigations, investigations and prosecutions because the regulation only concerns state losses of at least Rp1 billion," he said.

"But the loss (in the case of RJ Lino) in state finances based on the BPK audit due to QCC maintenance was US $ 22,828 or the equivalent of Rp. 329,518,755," continued Agus.

Then, in the lawsuit, the panel of judges was also asked to declare a detention letter Number Sprin.Han / 13 / DIK.01.03 / 01/03/2021 and an extended detention warrant Number 14 / TUT.00.03 / 24/04/2021 dated April 13, 2021. illegitimate and not based on law.

"Ordered the respondent to remove the applicant from the Class I State Detention Center, KPK branch of the Republic of Indonesia," said Agus.

As for this case, the KPK suspects RJ Lino to violate the law and abuse his authority as President Director of PT Pelindo II to enrich himself, others and / or corporations by ordering the direct appointment of a company from China, Wuxi Huangdong Heavy Machinery (HDHM) as the executor of the three-unit procurement project. QCC at PT Pelindo II.

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