JAKARTA - The former Spokesman of the 4th President Gus Dur, Wimar Witoelar, is undergoing treatment at ICU, Pondok Indah Hospital, South Jakarta.

Wimar's colleague during his time as President, Adhie Massardi, said he had been getting the information since last night.

"I already know the info last night, but I have not updated yet, later I ask friends who are on picket," said Adhie as contacted by VOI, Tuesday, May 18.

Meanwhile, on his Twitter account, @AdhieMassardi, he hopes that Wimar will be given a cure.

"May Allah SWT raise all diseases of Mr. Wimar. Amin YRA," he wrote.

Information gathered, Wimar was diagnosed with sepsis. Wimar's sepsis was severely infected and used breathing apparatus.

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