Civil Servant Klungkung Obscene Schoolgirl 9 Years Her Boyfriend's Son

KLUNGKUNG - Civil servant (PNS) Klungkung Regency, Bali, Sang Putu Surata (59) arrested by police. Surata molested a 9-year-old elementary school student.

"The motive (of the perpetrator) was erratic. And indeed he really has a courtship with the mother (victim)," said Kasat Reskrim Klungkung Police AKP Ario Seno Wimoko, Monday, May 17.

The incident took place at the victim's mother's index in Klungkung on March 29.

The perpetrator asked the victim not to report to his mother about the fornication. But eventually the victim continued to complain of sexual violence experienced.

The perpetrator of this civil servant is known to have a wife and establish a relationship with the victim's mother.

From the reports received, police searched for the whereabouts of the perpetrators and made an arrest on Wednesday, May 12 in Klungkung.

Perpetrators are ensnared article 76e Jo Article 82 paragraph (1), Law No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection. The threat of a maximum prison sentence of 15 years in prison.

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