JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate on the spot market opened slightly lower on Monday, April 26 trading. The rupiah opened lower by 0.36 percent or 55 points to a level of Rp15,455 per US dollar.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo Futures, Ariston Tjendra, said that the rupiah could strengthen today following the strengthening momentum obtained at the end of last week.

"The positive sentiment came from crude oil prices which have begun to stabilize, lockdowns in several pandemic countries which will soon be opened, and the issue of the Central Bank of Japan (BOJ) which is considering an unlimited bond purchase stimulus. The BOJ will announce the results of its monetary meeting tomorrow," he said Ariston to VOI.

He predicts that the rupiah today will move in the range of Rp. 15,300-15,500 per US dollar.

This morning, the majority of other Asian currencies strengthened against the US dollar. Led by the Korean won which strengthened 0.31 percent against the US dollar.

Followed by the Singapore dollar which strengthened 0.18 percent, the Philippine peso strengthened 0.12 percent, the Taiwan dollar strengthened 0.12 percent, the Malaysian ringgit strengthened 0.10 percent, the Thai baht strengthened 0.01 percent and the Hong Kong dollar strengthened 0.001 percent against US dollar.

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