SURABAYA - Face-to-face learning activities (PTM) are planned to begin in the new school year 2021/2022 around the beginning of July.

Before it was implemented, The Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked every high school / vocational school and SLB, to form a TASK FORCE TEAM COVID-19.

"The COVID-19 task force in each school must be ensured clear. If there is no task force, then teachers will find it difficult to discipline health protocols. If the members of the task force will be easier to remind the discipline of carrying out health protocols in schools," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Monday, May 17.

Khofifah said PTM is the policy of the central government to issue a Joint Decree (SKB) of four Ministers, namely the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs on March 30.

The SKB is related to the guidance on the implementation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In it it is mentioned that limited face-to-face learning can begin in July 2021. Starting from paud level, elementary education, secondary education, to universities.

Limited face-to-face learning will begin after teachers and education workers are injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. Starting from vaccinations in high school, vocational, and SLB teachers must be completed 100 percent, health protocols are strictly implemented, as well as learning hours and the percentage of students who follow face-to-face learning.

The COVID-19 Task Force team will later set health protocols in order, check the schedule of disinfectant spraying in schools and classrooms, stock masks for those who forget to bring masks, and so on.

"Let's keep strict health protocols in place. Don't let your guard down. Principals and teachers need to be able to control between gas and brakes," he said.

Related to teacher vaccination, Khofifah asked the Head of East Java Dinkes to send a letter and coordinate with the Head of District Dinkes / City in East Java, for the implementation of vaccinations on teachers and educators of high school, vocational school, and SLB to be ensured by the end of June has been one hundred percent vaccinated.

Therefore, vaccination data for teachers should be continuously monitored. Therefore, it is expected that teachers and educators before being vaccinated can be 100 percent immediately before face-to-face learning takes place.

"We have to keep monitoring how many teachers have been vaccinated, how many have just been vaccinated once, how many have not been at all. Including in any district / city should be maximized," he said.

In addition, Khofifah again reminded the spread of COVID-19 is still ongoing. A new variant of COVID-19 is already available in East Java. Therefore, it is necessary to be a common concern regarding the spread of COVID-19, health protocols must be strictly implemented. Interactions during learning can be controlled.

Meanwhile, Head of East Java Education Office Wahid Wahyudi said, until now 38 regents / mayors have provided recommendations for high schools, vocational schools and SLB that are ready to do face-to-face learning.

In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Education has been recommended face-to-face school starting January 2021. It is expected that by June 2021 all over Indonesia have done face-to-face with the target of all teachers have been vaccinated.

In East Java itself, Wahid continued, high school, vocational and SLB teachers who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 twice as much as 38 percent.

"We hope to the ranks of East Java Dinkes in May 2021 or June 2021, educators and teachers 100 percent have been vaccinated 2 times. In order for the educators to be healthy, the community psychologically can receive face-to-face learning calmly. So that our plan face-to-face at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year that is on July 5, 2021 can run safely," he said.

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