JAKARTA - The many news about the entry of TKA China to Indonesia during the ban on homecoming, highlighted chairman of DPD AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. He called on the government to act immediately against this polemic.

The Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) said as many as 114 TKA, among them 110 TKA (Foreign Workers) from China, came to Indonesia when the homecoming ban was imposed.

"The government needs to respond to public unease about the issue of china's entry into Indonesia. This can hurt people's feelings, because it happens when there is a ban on homecoming that causes people to not be able to return home during Eid al-Fitr," Said La Nyalla, Monday, May 17.

There are at least 4 Chinese TKA toilets that entered Indonesia in recent times. The first kloter as many as 85 WN China and 3 Indonesian citizens who arrived on Tuesday (4/5/2021) at Terminal 3 International Arrivals Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Then the second kloter there are 46 WN China who entered Indonesia on Thursday, May 6.

The third kloter arrived with 160 WN China on Saturday, May 8. The last is the news of the arrival of 114 TKA using chartered aircraft during Eid al-Fitr on May 13, 2021.

"I hope menaker, minister, immigration, and related ranks can provide clarification so that there are no misunderstandings. Because reportedly the TKA who enter Indonesia is a foreign worker for various national strategic projects (PSN)," he said.

La Nyalla realized, the placement of TKA to work in PSN in accordance with the request of the project investor itself. Similarly, Indonesia carries Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) if there is investment abroad.

"Therefore, there needs to be a comprehensive explanation so that the public really understands why this TKA came to Indonesia so that it does not become a prolonged controversy. It should also be explained that many Chinese investors are working on strategic projects in Indonesia that make it possible to bring workers from their countries," explained La Nyalla.

According to him, clarification from the government is needed because of the many turmoil that concerns the Copyright Work Law. In the omnibus law Copyright Law employment cluster regulates unskill workers from abroad entering Indonesia no longer need written permission from the minister.

"The Copyright Act that is intended to facilitate investment is widely criticized by some circles, especially in the employment sector. In order for tensions not to heat up again, the government must be wise in addressing various issues that arise, including the arrival of TKA," continued La Nyalla.

La Nyalla reminded, The Copyright Act was also created to open many new jobs. The government is asked to attach importance to domestic workers, especially the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many workers or workers who experience termination of employment (layoffs).

"People need justice, in the midst of the difficulty of finding a job and the birth of the Copyright Law submitted by the government to open jobs and the absorption of national labor, the public wants to feel the promise delivered by the government," he explained about TKA China that came later.

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