JAKARTA - The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, has prepared three scenarios related to rice availability until the end of May 2020. If the calculations are correct, rice stocks will be safe until Eid Al-Fitr or Lebaran.

Syahrul revealed, based on the data that was claimed to have been validated to the regions, the rice stock would be surplus in an optimistic scenario. This can be seen from the availability of rice in February which reached 3.5 million tons. Meanwhile, the estimated production from February to May will reach 12.4 million tons.

"Then there is a production of 12.4 million, there is stock in Bulog and in the mills to approximately 15 million tons. Meanwhile, the need for rice from February to May is said to be only around 7.6 million more," he said, in a joint video conference. BNPB on 'Food Availability and Security during Ramadan, "Sunday, April 26.

"So there are more than 8 million remaining. So we still have over stock, if we look optimistically," he added.

In a moderate scenario, carry over stock is as much as 3.5 million tons. It is estimated that production from February to May will decrease by 4 percent or to around 11.9 million tons. Meanwhile, the national consumption needs are estimated to be 7.9 million tons to 8 million tons.

Meanwhile, with a pessimistic scenario, Syahrul said, the carry over stock of rice was 3.5 million tons. Meanwhile, production from February to May was 11.2 million tons. Then, the need for consumption becomes 8.3 million tons, so there is still rice remaining as much as 6.4 million tons at the end of May.

"Then the fasting month and Eid al-Fitr are all under pretty good control," he explained.

Syahrul said, this data had been validated to the regions both through remote sensing, satellites to video conferencing with hundreds of districts.

"More than 400 districts reported via video conference, which was immediately validated. So all the results are more or less the same. We are still sure that up to three months the availability of our rice is safe," he said.

In the time of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19, said Syahrul, in addition to medical solutions, food security or solutions to people's food must also be put off and become a shared task not only the Ministry of Agriculture.

"All must work together to prepare our food security, so that 267 million people must be guaranteed food and food is available to face all the challenges of life. Including the challenges of the existing COVID-19," he explained.

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