JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has again received medical equipment assistance for handling COVID-19 from friendly countries. The medical supplies assistance was immediately distributed to a number of areas in need.

The Indonesian Air Force Hercules aircraft transported aid from the Ishihara foundation in Taiwan in the form of 140,000 high-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Friday 24 April. The collection of hundreds of thousands of PPE was then coordinated by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) with the Indonesian Air Force.

"In the midst of the scarcity and difficulty of obtaining PPE, be it in the form of high-risk clothing, ordinary protective clothing or even masks, we can still get it, even with the best quality," said Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Marves, Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, in the description.

Purbaya said the foundation as a whole sent 15 sets of ventilators, 140,000 sets of PPE, 20,000 face shields and 300,000 medical masks ordered from several countries, namely Cambodia, the Philippines and Taiwan. At least the total medical equipment assistance received was worth US $ 540,000 or around Rp.8.3 billion.

Later the medical and medical equipment assistance will be distributed by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 to a number of regions in Indonesia. Based on reports from the TNI Information Center, a number of hospitals in South Sulawesi to Papua have received medical equipment assistance for handling COVID-19.


On the other hand, President Joko Widodo held talks by telephone with the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump. The two heads of state discussed handling COVID-19.

Reporting from the Palace Secretariat Press Bureau, the conversation took place on Friday, the evening of April 24. Where Trump explained about efforts to make ventilators in his country and said he would send them to Indonesia when they were ready.

The number of cases of patients infected with the corona virus (COVID-19) in Indonesia is still growing. As of Saturday 25 Aprli, the number of COVID-19 patients reached 8,607, with 1,042 people declared cured.

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