JAKARTA - Former Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab will soon undergo a hearing on charges of alleged crowding and violations of health protocols (prokes) in Petamburan. However, Rizieq must undergo one more trial.

That is, before the hearing with the agenda of reading the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU), Rizeq will undergo a trial with the agenda of witness examination lightening, on Monday, May 17.

"The trial of case 221 (Pertamburan) with the agenda of examination of epidemiologists and linguists of the accused or his attorneys," said East Jakarta District Court Public Relations Alex Adam Faisal in his statement, Monday, May 17.

The plan is that the trial with the agenda of the expert examination will take place later in the day. It is likely that the judge will open the trial around 1 p.m.

"The time of the trial after Ishoma (probably at 13.00 WIB)," alex said.

The trial of this case, should have entered the level of reading of the claim. But, at the time of the previous trial, Rizieq and his team of lawyers asked the panel of judges to give the opportunity to present a lightening expert.

The panel of judges who granted the request finally decided to read the agenda of the demands of the JPU postponed one day.

"So the public prosecutor forced us to reverse the reading of the charges. At least on the 18th (may) we read the demands," said Presiding Judge Suparman Nyompa.

Then, Suparman also mentioned after the trial with the agenda of reading the prosecution, then, will be continued with the reading of the defense of the accused.

The plan is that the trial will take place this week. The goal, in order to shorten the time and trial of the crowd case is quickly completed.

"Love the time of May 20, yes defense. After that it's just a verdict, whether it's Friday or something," he said.

Rizieq Shihab in this case is alleged to have sedition to create a crowd in Petamburan in the wedding ceremony of his daughter and the prophet Muhammad SAW maulid.

In sedition, Rizieq was assisted by five former FPI officials (separately prosecuted). They are Haris Ubaidillah, Ahmad Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus aka Idrus AL-Habsyi, and Maman Suryadi.

Rizieq was charged with violating Article 160 of the Criminal Code jo Article 93 of Law No. 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine jo Article 55 paragraph 1-1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 82 paragraph 1 jo Article 1 59 paragraph 3 letter c and d Law No. 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organization jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 penal code jo Article 10 letter b penal code jo Article 35 paragraph 1 penal code.

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