JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has implemented backflow blocking operations until May 24, 2021 in anticipation of the spread of COVID-19 after the Eid al-Fitr holiday of 1442 Hijri." However, if evaluated that the number of travelers (returning to Jabodetabek) can be extended considerably until a later date," said Metro Jaya Police Chief Irjen Fadil Imran, reported by Antara, Sunday.Fadil realized that Operation Ketupat Jaya targeting travelers will end on May 18, 2021, but the estimated number of citizens returning to Jakarta will increase so that the activities of the sealing post will be evaluated every day. Meanwhile, Fadil revealed that based on the air monitoring conducted by The Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus showed the situation of tourist attractions in Jakarta looks quiet from visitors because the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta imposed a closure until Monday, May 17.

"Because everything is closed so the situation of air monitoring for tourist attractions, Alhamdulillah Jakarta is well controlled, yesterday was actually closed, so there is no problem with dki jakarta tourist attractions including Ancol," said Fadil.

The Police Chief of Metro Jaya also stated that the activity is an evaluation for the future including the number of citizens who will return to Jabodetabek after the Eid al-Fitr holiday.Fadil reminded that residents do not fake COVID-19 free papers or antigen test results or PCR swab tests, because it risks dealing with legal process. The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya established 12 backflow sealing posts to check COVID-19 free mail to residents entering jabodetabek area.As for the sealing post, namely:1. Parking area KM 34B Cibatu Tol Cikampek direction Jakarta.2. Kalideres Terminal.3. Pulogebang Terminal.4. Kebon Nanas, Tangerang City.5. Jatiuwung, Tangerang City.6. Dishub Batuceper Office, Tangerang City.7. Rengas-Lemahabang Highway, Bekasi Regency.8. Sasak Jarang Post, Bekasi City.9. Tomyang Post, Bekasi City.10. Parung Highway, Ciputat, Bojongsari, Depok.11. Bogor Highway at Cilangkap.12 gas station. Gatot Subroto Street, Bitung, South Tangerang.

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