JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) explained, the distribution and use of astrazeneca batch vaccine (Production Group) CTMAV547 was temporarily suspended in order to test toxicity and sterility by the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).

However, not all astrazeneca vaccine batches discontinued their distribution and use. Only ctmav547 batches are paused, pending the results of investigations and testing from BPOM, which may take one to two weeks.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health confirms, that astrazeneca batches other than CTMAV547 are safe to use. So that the public should not hesitate to receive injections of the vaccine.

"This is a form of government prudence to ensure the safety of this vaccine. The Ministry of Health urges the public to calm down, and not be consumed by hoaxes that circulate," said Ministry of Health spokeswoman dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi in a statement, Sunday, May 16.

The CTMAV547 batch currently amounts to 448,480 doses, and is part of the 3,852,000 doses AstraZeneca received in Indonesia on April 26, 2021, through the Covax Facility/WHO scheme.

This batch has been distributed to the TNI and partly to DKI Jakarta and North Sulawesi. Related to the report of serious Post-Immunization Follow-up Events (KIPI) allegedly related to AstraZeneca Batch CTMAV547, Komnas KIPI has recommended BPOM to conduct sterility and toxicity tests on the group. Because there is not enough data to enforce the diagnosis of the cause and classification of kipi in question.

Until now, based on Komnas KIPI data, there has never been an incident of people dying from COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia.

In some previous cases, the death of people whose status has been vaccinated for COVID-19 is due to other causes. Not as a result of the vaccinations he received. The Ministry of Health hopes that the public always access information from reliable sources related to AstraZeneca vaccine.

"The use of AstraZeneca vaccine continues to run, because COVID-19 vaccination brings greater benefits," said Siti Nadia.

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