Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Ahmad Basarah urged the world parliament to sit down together to discuss the humanitarian crisis in the two conflict-torn nations.
"The two countries must resolve the conflict in civilized and humane ways, and return to the negotiating table. Indonesia as a citizen of the world and adhere to an active free politics must also initiate the efforts for a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Basarah said in his statement, Friday, May 14.According to the Chairman of the DPP PDI Struggle for Foreign Affairs, currently the world community can not expect much from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), because the United States as one of the permanent members of the UNSC has blocked the emergency meeting of the UNSC which was originally held Friday, May 14. In fact, a meeting of the UNSC with a single agenda discussing the Israeli-Palestinian feud could be canceled if one of its 15 members does not agree to the meeting being held." As a manifestation of Dasa Sila Bandung, Indonesia fully supports the establishment of a Palestinian state. Proklamator of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno since the Asian-African Conference was held has been determined to fight for countries that are not yet independent including Palestine, and refused Israel to be involved in the preparation of the conference," he said. Furthermore, he deplores all organizations from Muslim-majority countries both from the government level such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), from the parliamentary level such as the parliamentary union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), as well as from non-governmental levels such as the World Muslim League which has not been seen to the maximum fight for the rights and independence of the Palestinian people." For Indonesia, the establishment of a Palestinian state is an unwar offerable attitude. Therefore, Indonesia also consistently supports unification resolutions that carry the settlement of 'Two Countries' that are peacefully side by side based on the boundaries set in 1967. As long as the independence of the Palestinian nation has not been handed over to the Palestinians, then during that time the Indonesian nation stands against israeli occupation," basarah said, referring to bung Karno's statement.According to the Chairman of the GMNI Alumni Association, in the fight for justice for Palestine, OIC member states are actually good enough because it has a special program for it, but this organization does not have the political power to pressure its members to run the program. While PUIC as an international organization established since 1999 in Tehran, Iran, and consisting of 54 parliaments and 21 observers from regional and international parliamentary organizations face internal obstacles in the form of extreme attitudes in the religion of some members and ignore the concept of deliberation. Therefore, the former activist in 1998 proposed that the leaders of the PEOPLE's Consultative Assembly, DPR RI and DPD RI together take concrete initiatives to gather all the leaders of the world parliament, especially from Muslim-majority countries, to sit down together to discuss the Palestinian-Israeli issue in a 'shura'. The location of the high-level meeting can be done in Jakarta or other cities that are considered strategic and neutral." I am optimistic that the Indonesian parliament along with the parliaments of other Muslim countries can become the locomotive of Palestinian-Israeli peace because Indonesia has a philosophical-constitutional basis as the Opening of the 1945 NRI Constitution that wants all colonization on the face of the earth to be abolished. Indonesia is also obliged to participate in maintaining world peace based on lasting peace and justice. Consequences as a country that embraces active free politics, Indonesia must always be active in creating world peace,'' he explained. He also emphasized that during the time of President Sukarno, Indonesia was known as one of the world leaders, especially for countries that had just escaped colonialism and colonialism, which carried out a free-active foreign policy. World leadership is held by Indonesia, among others, in the Asian-African Conference, Conference of New Emerging Forces (Conefo), Games of New Emerging Forces (Ganefo) and other Non-Aligned Movement activities.
Chairman of the House of Regional Representatives (DPD) RI La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti has also strongly condemned the attack by the Israeli army on Palestinian Muslims at the Al Aqsa Mosque.
"The brutal actions of the Israeli army have crossed the line of fairness. I as a person and chairman of DPD RI condemned the action," said La Nyalla.
Chairman of Committee I DPD RI Fachrul Razi also urged the government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to gather international powers.
According to him, against the savagery of Israel, it is not enough just to denounce. Indonesia should actively rally International powers to urge the United Nations to impose strict sanctions against Israeli Zionists." The act of attacking Muslims in Palestine while praying is savagery. On behalf of human beings, we condemn these actions," Fachrul Razi said Friday, May 14.Alumnus of Political Science, University of Indonesia said israel's attack on Palestinians who were worshipping was a savagery." All of us Muslims everywhere feel deep anguish. Let's pray for our brothers in Palestine to always be in the protection of Allah SWT," said Fachrul Razi.Reportedly the latest information, The death toll from the ongoing Israeli aggression against the impoverished Gaza Strip increased on Wednesday night to at least 83 Palestinians, including 17 children and seven women. Israeli military aggression, which is entering its fourth day in a row, has also wounded a total of 487 civilians, some of them seriously, according to the latest developments on the ground as covered by field reporters for days of Palestine.Israeli occupation warplanes launched attacks starting Monday night in the Gaza Strip in an attack called Operation Guard of the Wall.
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