JAKARTA - Lieutenant General Doni Monardo, a figure chosen by President Jokowi to carry out the duties as the Head of the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency since January 2019. He is also concurrently the Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in March 2020. The position of the Task Force is under the scope of coordination of BPNB, a special central government team involving ministries, agencies and other government units. Doni Monardo is a three-star general who has his first role as Head of BNPB Indonesia.

He is the successor to Rear Admiral (ret) Willem Rampangilei, the previous head of BNPB. President Jokowi hopes for Doni Monardo to be able to fix all the shortcomings of the previous era with fast acceleration. In addition to his expertise in infantry, Doni Monardo also has excellence in the managerial sector and is a skilled coordinator.

The Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 is under the scope of the BNPB which is assigned to coordinate between agencies for efforts to prevent and control the new Corona Virus disease in Indonesia.

Who is Doni Monardo

His father previously worked in the military world as a Military Police, Lieutenant Colonel Nasrul Saad his full name. His mother, Roeslina, is like most soldiers' wives who focus on taking care of their household and family at home.

With the status of an undercover child, Doni Monardo is accustomed to living nomadically from city to city for the sake of his father's call of duty. He attended junior high school in Lhokseumawe, then returned to Padang when he was in high school. Want to be like his father, so he decided to enter the National Military Academy, and was listed as a class graduate in 1985.

One time in 1992, he married Santi Aviriani who was also of Minang blood and was blessed with three baby figures who completed their lives.

Doni Monardo's Career Journey

The starting line for his career began with the elite Kopassus troops, from 1986 to 1998. His experience of fighting directly against the Fretilin separatist group in East Timor and GAM in Aceh when it was operating, is admittedly shaping Doni Monardo's character. His expertise is also fairly superior when it comes to infantry.

After twelve years of training in the style of Kopassus, in 1999 Doni, who was good at shooting skills, was assigned to the Raider Battalion on the Island of the Gods, Bali. Only two years he was involved until 2001.

It should be noted, the Raider Battalion's strength is comparable to 3 times that of a normal infantry battalion. The troops which were formed to increase the deterrence of the TNI, were accompanied by a special ability to operate in a small angle, were secretive and sudden.

Then in 2004, the Palace called himself. He was assigned to accompany and guard RI-1's daily activities as the 'Life Shield', namely Paspampres. Two years of living it, in 2006 he was transferred to another land, Celebes, Sulawesi. This time his role was as the Strategic Reserve Command (KOSTRAD) Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Two years later in 2008, Doni returned again as the Paspampres 'Life Shield'. With the position of leading Group A as Commander, it means that he is a little closer because he directly faces the President and his family. Group A Paspampres is equivalent to the strength of 4 detachments.

After Paspampres, in 2010 Doni was entrusted as Danrem 061 / Surya Kencana for one year until 2011. The status of Deputy Commander General (Wadanjen) Kopassus had lived in the 2011-2012 period.

This was the third time Doni's staff were asked to return to the Palace grounds. Topped the post from his previous position as Paspampres Commander for the 2012-2014 period. He had the feeling of guarding two presidential figures, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono when he was acting, and Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla when they were about to change the baton of leadership in 2014.

Soldiers who are skilled at shooting even return drums to the red beret corps, as Commander General Kopassus for the 2014-2015 period. Doni's journey continued through the status of the Military Commander, which later became his last note in the military world.

As Pangdam XVI / Patimura Ambon City for the period 2015-2017. And Pangdam III / Siliwangi City of Bandung which he lived for only a year, 2017-2018.

After 2018, Doni Monardo was no longer involved in a career in the military. The next stop was to carry out a mission as Secretary General of Wantannas starting from 2018-2019. This position was then polished nicely in January 2019 when Doni Monardo was appointed as Head of BNPB, following the Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 in March 2020.

Doni Monardo's career acceleration can be said to be fast, holding a prestigious position in one position for a long time. It is reasonable in the midst of the country's need for Doni Monardo

Bonding the Nation with Humanist Style

There is something more important than politics, namely humanity. Message from Gus Dur, the former 3rd President of Indonesia. Moreover, choosing the path of taking up arms against his own people is not the character of this three-star general. He is proven to have bonded the nation with a leadership that prioritizes the humanist side, that is the philosophy of Doni Monardo.

Ask the public there, Maluku, Aceh and Papua. How to find a way out when there is a threat of national disintegration is not only resolved through taking up arms or violence. The humanist style that emphasizes an emotional approach, dialogue and two-way interaction with the public has proven to be a solution.

Starting when he served as Pangdam XVI / Pattimura in Maluku, he led representatives of the two conflicting tribes into a coffee shop, diplomacy, dialogue while analyzing the real problem. Ustadz Jumu Tuani as the representative of the Operations Army who was previously hostile to Pastor Moses and his friends from RMS, was successfully reconciled, made peace as long as before.

The mainland of Maluku knows the figure of Doni Monardo not only as a Pangdam XVI Pattimura, but also as an Honorary Citizen of Ambon City. His contribution was very instrumental in reconciling the endless tribal wars between Morela and Mamala.

It is also marked by the rise of the Maluku economy through the concepts of Blue Gold and Green Gold, a concept initiated by Doni Monardo. To the extent that direct flattery from the mouth of Lt. Gen. TNI (ret) Agus Widjojo, who was then Governor of Lemhanas, admitted that the concept of Doni Monardo is clearly influential and deserves appreciation.

The Green Gold Program is a series of efforts to breed, develop and plant rare and high economic value plants on the Maluku mainland, while the Blue Gold Program is the management of aquaculture in Maluku waters.

In the western hemisphere, there is Teuku Ishak Daod in Aceh. Former Deputy Commander of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in the Linge region, who was an enemy on the battlefield, later turned into a friend because of Doni's way of dealing with it.

In July 2018 Teuku Ishak was lying weak due to a nerve disease, understanding that his opponent was in a helpless state, he actually ordered dr. Riswandi to take care of the Deputy GAM Commander. Direct command to doctors in the Lemhannas environment, so that Teuku Ishak is treated intensively and serves his medical needs during his treatment at the Jakarta Army Hospital. With that effort, Teuku Ishak and his wife felt melted, bringing the desire back to the bosom of the Republic of Indonesia.

Since Doni Monardo's return as Danjen Kopassus, his aim is to get rid of the impression that the military and soldiers are a frightening specter in the eyes of the people. Through the "Smile, Sapa, Salam" campaign slowly the image of Kopassus, which was so faded, is getting better.

Boy Eluay also agreed. During the 63 years since Kopassus was founded, they have gotten better at the bottom line. Boy is the eldest son of Theys Hiyo Eluay, a high-ranking leader and originator of the Free Papua edict who died while fighting against the world's best elite forces. How Doni Monardo actually shattered Boy Eluay's thoughts, and openly invited former Papuan separatist Merdek to the 63rd Kopassus Anniversary event in 2015.

His concern for nature is proven through the Citarum Hanum program. The concept that was initiated on February 1, 2019 by Doni is aimed at restoring cleanliness - water quality, minimizing damage due to the impact of surrounding public activities.

Why not make the Citarum river a home page that people can be proud of, he thought. Not yet complete, he returned to the capital to serve as Secretary General of the National Resilience Council (Sesjentannas).

Due to environmental issues, Doni's figure is increasingly recognized by the public in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Through his role in changing the barren land in the Sultan Hasanuddin airport area to green through the concept of periodic reforestation when he served as Kostrad.

Doni Monardo Fun Facts

Travelling around the world. He is a high-ranking military officer who has experienced 27 countries in the world when guarding President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono as Commander of Group A Paspampres.

Escorting Two People RI-1. In 2012-2014 he was Commander of the Presidential Security Forces (Danpaspampres), the figure most responsible for what happened to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Interestingly, he was also responsible for the pair Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla when they were elected to win the 2014 presidential election.

Shooting Hero. His shooting skill was beyond doubt, in the individual category he scored 189.2 and became the 2nd winner. And won 1st place in the team team category, along with Major General Agus Suhardi, TNI Brigadier General Agus SB, and TNI Brigadier General Joni Supriyanto, in Team A of the Indonesian Army.

Freeman. Doni Monardo's name in the eyes of Ambon City public is an Honorary Citizen, which is stated in the Ambon City DPRD Decree Number: 16 / KPTS / DPRD / 2017 dated November 13, 2017.

Somali pirates. The operation of the MV Sinar Kudus in Somalia against pirates succeeded in rescuing dozens of Indonesian crew members, after which Doni was appointed as Brigadier General.

Profile of Doni Monardo

Full name: Letjen Doni Monardo

Military Profession

The rank of Three Star General Lieutenant

Place and date of birth of Cimahi, May 10, 1963


Parents Nasrul SaadRoeslina

SpouseSanti Aviriani

AnakAzzianti Riani MonardoReizalka Dwika MonardoAdelwin Azel Monardo


National Defense Education (2012) Seskoad (1999) Military Academy (1985) SMA Negeri 1 Padang (1981)


Career Journey

2019-present Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) & Head of the COVID-19 Acceleration Task Force

2018-2019 Secretary General Wantannas (National Resilience Council) 2017-2018Pangdam III / Siliwangi

2015-2017 Regional Military Command XVI / Pattimura

2014-2015 Danjen Kopassus

2012-2014 Commander of Paspampres2011-2012 Deputy Commander General of Kopassus

2010-2011Danrem 061 / Surya Kencana

2008 Danbrigif Linud 3 / Tri Budi Sakti Operational Assistant Danpaspampres Dandenma Paspampres

1999-2001Danyonif 900 / Raider Danyon-11 Group-1 / Kopassus]

Award Main Service Star Star Yudha Dharma Pratama Star Kartika Eka Paksi Pratama Star Yudha Dharma Nararya Star Kartika Eka Paksi NararyaSL. Dharma BantalaSL. Loyalty XXIVSL. XVISL Fidelity. Loyalty VIIISL. Dwidja SisthaSL. Dharma NusaSL. Wira SiagaSL. Ksatria YudhaSL. Wira Karya

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