JAKARTA - Several criminals managed to escape from the detention cell at the Kalideres Sector Police (Polsek), West Jakarta. The prisoners' escape took place on Thursday, April 16.

They consisted of 10 people, managed to escape by incapacitating the guard on duty. However, their escape did not last long. It only took less than a day to catch nine of them. However, apprehending the one remaining prisoner took more than a week.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Audie Latuheru said that one detainee who was difficult to catch was named Supar and was the mastermind of the escape plan. Meanwhile, the rest were just the prisoners who followed suit.

Supar is a narcotics prisoner. The escape plan had been arranged for a long time with careful calculation and consideration.

"Supar has prepared carefully and escaped. That's why when the others were easily caught because they did not understand the plan to exit," said Audie in Jakarta, Friday, April 24.

Efforts to arrest Supar, continued Audie, were carried out by combing his narcotics network. After a week of searching for information, it was discovered that his hiding place was in the Tangerang area.

During the run, Supar was always on the move. The goal is hidden. Several times he called his narcotics network, asking for help.

"On his run he returned to his network. He was mobile. His network was closed and they did not want to provide certain information," said Audie.

When arrested Supar fought back using sharp weapons. He was shot.

With the escape incident, Propam Polda Metro Jaya intervened to check the members on guard at the time of the incident.

"The members guarding the detainees are currently being investigated by Propam, they are currently being handled," said Audie, but did not explain the number and identity of the members being questioned.

Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti said Propam had to explore why the detainees could escape from the cell. Most likely, said Poengky, the detainees took advantage of the officers' negligence. When proven negligent in their duties, the members on duty must be sanctioned in order to provide a deterrent effect.

"There must be strict sanctions for members who are negligent," said Poengky.

Propam, he said, also had to go to the Kalideres Police to check the safety of his cell. The aim was to find out whether there were security facilities that were damaged and could potentially be used by prisoners to escape again.

"It must also be checked that there is a possibility of lack of or damage to security facilities. For example, maybe the CCTV condition is not optimal or maybe it is necessary to add CCTV so that the surveillance is better," concluded Poengky.

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