JAKARTA - Director of Socialization and Anticorruption Campaign kpk Giri Suprapdiono disappointed with the results of the Assessment of National Insight Test (TWK) which stated 75 employees including himself ineligible. He hopes President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can complete this polemic.

This was conveyed after the KPK issued a Decree on the Results of TWK and at one point was to ask employees who did not pass on their responsibilities to their superiors.

"We expect the head of state to take over this polemic, because he is the top official of asn (State Civil Apparatus)," Giri told reporters on Friday, May 14.

He said the decree that exempts employees from their duties and responsibilities is an act of wrongdoing. Moreover, the transfer of kpk employee status from independent to ASN is a mandate not a selection.

In fact, according to him, this has been conveyed by kpk leaders on various occasions even though it is different. "Switching status to ASN is a mandate not a selection. On various occasions, the KPK leadership stated this assessment, even though the selection," he said.

Giri said the impact of this deactivation will also jeopardize the integrity of the handling of corruption cases that are being investigated by the KPK. In addition, it also provides a poor example for anticorruption education and integrity.

So in the future, dozens of these employees will make legal efforts against the decree issued on May 7. "We will exercise our constitutional rights," he said.

Previously, the National Insight Test (TWK) was followed by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of kpk employee container who is also an investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign KPK Giri Suprapdiono, Kasatgas KPK Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director pjkaki Sujarnarko declared ineligible (TMS). The other two employees were not present in the interview.

Next, KPK issued a Decree of kpk leadership No. 652 of 2021 concerning The Results of National Insight Test Assessment.

The letter signed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and a copy signed by Plh Head of Human Resources Bureau Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin has four points. One of them, instructing employees who do not qualify to hand over their duties and responsibilities to the direct supervisor.

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