JAKARTA - Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Research Manager Wawan Suyatmiko urged the head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to explain the lower threshold of the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment conducted by anti-corruption commission officials.

This was conveyed after a polemic related to TWK that made 75 KPK employees, including Novel Baswedan did not qualify as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and threatened to be fired.

"KPK leadership needs to explain to the public what the lower threshold is when (employees, red) is declared ineligible", Wawan told reporters on Friday, May 14.

In addition, he said it is necessary to conduct an audit of the problem makers in the test. Moreover, the question raises questions that are irrelevant to national insight, gender bias, and are considered to be harassing logic.

Wawan also said this test should not be a benchmark for national insight of the 75 employees who did not pass it.

"Because the test really does not imply the size of a person of a nationality", he said.

Previously, the National Insight Test (TWK) was followed by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of KPK employee container who is also an investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign KPK Giri Suprapdiono, Head of KPK Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director PJKAKI Sujarnarko declared ineligible (TMS). The other two employees were not present in the interview.

Next, KPK issued a Decree of KPK leadership No. 652 of 2021 concerning The Results of the National Insight Test Assessment.

The letter signed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and a copy signed by Head of Human Resources Bureau Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin has four points. One of them, instructing employees who do not qualify to hand over their duties and responsibilities to the direct supervisor.

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