JAKARTA - There is one phenomenon that occurs when Ramadan arrives, namely the presence of manusia gerobak. They are seasonal beggars perched by the side of the highway to earn the mercy of passing motorists.

The presence of manusia gerobak is seen as disturbing public order, especially in big cities like Jakarta. Therefore, Satpol PP patrols every month of Ramadan to keep them in order.

However, Head of Satpol PP DKI Arifin admitted that it is difficult to handle manusia gerobak this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to disciplining, the Satpol PP personnel must also anticipate the transmission of the corona virus and implement a safe distance (physical distancing).

"Still, we will take action for those who disturb public order on the sides of the road, at red light intersections, and so on. But it must be difficult, because that is the condition," said Arifin when contacted, Friday, April 24.

Usually, these manusia gerobak are disciplined and brought to local social institutions. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, this cannot be done.

It is feared that manusia gerobak who are on the road without wearing masks have contracted the corona virus. If you are placed in a nursing home, you will be at risk of transmitting the virus to other people.

"Don't let it go to an orphanage that is already (in the) green zone, so it's not green anymore. This means that in that zone, which previously had no cases of corona, there are even more cases of corona," he explained.

Therefore, for the time being, Satpol PP is still taking action against manusia gerobak by collecting data on their identity and regional origin, before finally taking further action.

"We will first do some sort of data collection if we get to which person they are. I hope that if they are people from the region (outside Jakarta), they can return to the regions if there is still a chance," he concluded.

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