BANGKA - COVID-19 patients in Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Island Province who were declared cured recorded 1,758 people out of 1,951 local residents who confirmed positive for the new coronavirus.

Data tabulation of case development as of Thursday, May 13, namely 1,951 residents confirmed positive corona virus. In all, 1,758 people were declared cured, 171 were still being treated (active cases), and 22 were declared dead.

A total of 1,265 people were declared COVID positive, 2,872 were in close contact with patients who were declared positive for new corona.

The percentage of patients who recovered reached 90.5 percent and the percentage of patients who died was only 1.1 percent.

Based on the data spread of cases in the local area, recorded three districts declared vulnerable, namely Pangkalanbaru, Koba, and Sungaiselan districts with a higher rate of case findings compared to three other subdistricts in the area.

The lowest spread of new corona virus cases was recorded in Lubuk Besar, Namang, and Simpangkatis subdistricts.

Tabulation data also records the age of vulnerable citizens exposed to the new coronavirus, namely 55 to 69 years.

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