JEMBER - Some Muslims in Jember and Bondowoso districts, East Java who are in the vicinity of Pondok Pesantren Mahfilud Dluror and Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah perform Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri prayers today or earlier than set by the government.

The implementation of Eid prayer in two pesantren located in Suger Kidul Village, Jelbuk Subdistrict, Jember Regency, applies health protocols such as using masks, washing hands, and keeping distance, as well as getting strict security from local police officers.

"We have appealed to the community to perform Eid prayers at home, but people still flock to the mosque to pray Eid al-Fitr," said Salafiyah Pesantren student Syafi'iyah Chofiwanto in Suger Kidul Village quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 12.

Pesantren has also anticipated the arrival of pilgrims by providing handwashing and masks for pilgrims who forget not to bring them.

"We still encourage pilgrims to implement health protocols during the Eid prayer because it is still the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Meanwhile, Pesantren Sitter Mahfilud Dluror KH Ali Wafa said students and residents in the pesantren environment have been fasting for 30 days because they started fasting 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri a day ahead of the government's determination.

"The pesantren set Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri on May 12, 2021 based on the book of Nushatul Majaalis wa Muntahobul Nafaais and the method was applied since 1826, so it does not use the method of reckoning and rukyat," he said.

He said residents and alumni of pesantren highly appreciate the differences that exist and still live in harmony with the Muslims around him, although the determination of the beginning of fasting and Eid al-Fitr is different from the government.

AKP Jelbuk Police Chief Dwiko Sulistyo who was at the pesantren location said it was monitoring the application of health protocols in the implementation of Eid prayers held by pesantren in Suger Kidul Village.

"We have been spraying disinfectants in mosques that will be used for Eid prayers and officers are also handing out masks to worshippers who do not carry masks," he said.

It also appeals to people who perform Eid prayers to keep their distance and keep the health protocol in place until the prayer is finished.

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