JAKARTA - The General Manager of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) stipulates that 1 Syawal or Eid al-Fitr 1442 H falls on Thursday, May 13.

To determine the beginning of the Syawal month, the Rukyatul Hilal PBNU team has conducted monitoring in several predetermined rukyat locations and has not managed to see the hilal. Thus the age of Ramadan 1442 H is 30 days.

"To NU citizens and Muslims in general, to complete the 30-day fasting and be careful on Thursday, May 13, 2021", said the circular of PBNU, Tuesday, May 11.

PBNU also congratulated Idulfitri 1442 H with joy. And urge to adhere to health protocol 5 M (wearing masks, washing hands, keeping distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobilization and interaction).

"We apologize born and inwardly", concluded PBNU.

Isbat Trial

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas is scheduled to lead the Isbat session followed by representatives of Islamic organizations, scholars, astronomers, delegations of friendly countries, and other related elements.

Director-General of Bimas Islam Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, said the trial was conducted following strict COVID-19 health protocols because it is still in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, not all representatives are physically present in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs as in previous years.

The afternoon Isbat session will be held in several stages. It began with an open exposure of the position of the new crescent moon (hilal) based on astronomical data (Falak) by the Hijri Calendar Unification Team. The activity will start at 16.45 WIB.

The session continued with Maghrib Prayer and then held a closed session. The hearing will hear reports of the data of the reckoning and the results of the rukyatul hilal.

After that, the results of the trial will be announced by the Minister of Religious Affairs along with related parties in a press conference.

"Finally, the results of the trial will be announced by the Minister of Religious Affairs teleconference and broadcast live by TVRI as a TV Pool and live streaming in social media Ministry of Religion", Kamaruddin said in his official statement some time ago.

Known, Kemenag in establishing 1 Syawal 1442 H combines two methods, namely through astronomical calculations (reckoning) to determine the exact position of hilal. Then there will be a forecast of the location of the new moon and confirmed by looking at the hilal directly (rukyat).

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