BOGOR - Bogor City Government prohibits its citizens from traveling around the city as well as in sub-districts and villages because it is considered to cause crowds. It is feared that the crowd could potentially be transmitted by COVID-19

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya said takbir at the end of Ramadan is only allowed in mosques in residential neighborhoods.

"Takbir activities in mosques can be done by worshippers, at most 10 percent of the capacity of the mosque," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Tuesday, May 11.

According to Bima Arya, the ban on takbir activities became part of the discussion at the coordination meeting of regional heads in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Cianjur (Jabodetabekjur), at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta, Monday, May 10.

"The points of agreement that became the decision at the coordination meeting, next poured in a circular from each regional head in Jabodetabekjur to be applied in the region," he said.

For Eid prayer, the Bogor City Government allows its implementation in mosques in residential neighborhoods, but not in the open. The implementation of Eid prayer must be by implementing health protocols and the number of worshipers maximum 50 percent of the capacity of the mosque.

"The mosque provides a place to wash hands, organize the place by keeping a distance and the worshippers wear masks and bring their own prayer mats," he said.

The Bogor City Government this year also eliminated the Bogor City-level Eid prayer activities that are usually performed in the open, such as in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, in Sempur Square, and in the courtyard of IPB Baranangsiang.

"This Bogor City-level Id prayer activity was abolished to avoid large crowds. Because crowds can cause the transmission of COVID-19," he said.

Previously, Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas issued Circular Letter No. 07 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for The Implementation of Eid Prayer in 1442 H/2021 M during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Through the Circular Letter, the Minister of Religious Affairs prohibits the activities of traveling takbir on the eve of the end of Ramadan, because it is considered to invite crowds and it is feared that there will be transmission of COVID-19.

In the Circular Letter also regulates takbir activities are allowed to be carried out in mosques and musala, but by applying health protocols and maximum capacity only 10 percent. Takbiran activities in mosques and musala were broadcast virtually.

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