JAKARTA - PPP highlights the israeli army's attack on Muslims who were performing tarawih prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Ppp Faction member of the House of Representatives Muhammad Iqbal asked Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to encourage other countries to impose strict sanctions against Israel.

Members of Commission I of the House of Representatives asserted that Israel's actions against the Palestinians can no longer be tolerated. Because, the violent attack on Palestinians at the Al Aqsa Mosque by the Israeli army has injured at least 200 citizens.

"We ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to urge the United Nations (UN), to convene on actions that violate the norms of humanitarian norms that Israel has taken against the Palestinians, given Indonesia's position as President of the UN Security Council," Iqbal said on Monday, May 10.

According to him, Israel remains free from punishment if there is no cooperation of other countries, including permanent member states of the U.N. Security Council.

"Therefore, we support and ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue to encourage other countries to impose strict sanctions against Israel," he said.

Iqbal strongly condemned the heinous act of the attack. Moreover, violence and human rights violations committed by Israel against Palestinians are not only this time.

From the construction of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian territories to the recent attacks on Palestinians at the Al Aqsa Mosque and the forced expulsion of Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah area of East Jerusalem.

According to Iqbal, the act of violence in addition to hurting the hearts of Palestinians, also hurts the hearts of Muslims around the world. Because, Al Aqsa mosque is a symbol of Islam, so it is a form of desecration and hostility towards Muslims all over the world.

"Therefore, we invite Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan to pray for the safety of palestinians. May the Palestinians be given the power to confront Israel's barbaric actions," he said.

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