JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan extended the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to prevent transmission of COVID-19 until May 22, 2020. The Jakarta PSBB was supposed to end on April 23 at 23.59 WIB, but Anies decided to extend it until May 22.

The decision to extend the PSBB, said Anies, was based on the results of discussions with experts in the field of infectious diseases and looking at data on developments in the transmission of COVID-19 to date.

"We decided to extend the implementation of the PSBB. The PSBB was extended by 28 days. This means that the second period starts April 24 to May 22, 2020," said Anies at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 22.

The study that influences the decision to extend the PSBB is data on the movement of positive cases of COVID-19 in DKI which continues to grow. There has been no significant slowdown in the increase in cases, while the rate of increase from days per day is relatively constant.

Even so, Anies saw a decline in the trend of cases from before the PSBB was implemented to ahead of the extension of the PSBB period. Based on data held by the DKI Provincial Government, when there were calls to limit work and school activities from home from March 16 to March 22, the number of cases increased by about 3.16 times over 5 days.

Then, when there were operational restrictions on public transportation which took effect from March 23 to April 9, the number of cases was still high, namely 4.83 times over 17 days.

Meanwhile, when the PSBB took effect from April 10 to April 22, the trend of adding positive cases slowed to 1.88 times over 13 days. Based on this data, Anies hopes that with the extension of the PSBB, the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 will slow down, along with the increase in recovered patients.

"The more we are disciplined to be at home, reduce our activities outside, the less interaction there will be, the less transmission will be. God willing, this outbreak can be resolved quickly," he said.

Anies said the key to the success of the PSBB was the discipline of all parties to comply with all applicable regulations. If during the first period of PSBB, law enforcement still begins with warnings and education, then going forward it will run more firmly.

"The educational phase has been completed. Now is the enforcement phase. Therefore, in the days ahead, all those who violate will not be warned again but will be immediately dealt with," said Anies.

This firm action does not only apply to individual citizens who are still stubborn who do not comply with the PSBB, but also to companies that are prohibited from operating in offices, outside the 11 exempted business sectors.

This is because, said Anies, the DKI Provincial Government is still finding a number of companies stealing opportunities. Where the company had received a warning to close its office, but soon the company was back in operation.

"Therefore, I remind all residents to work at home, study from home, worship from home. We will continue to carry out social safety net programs," he concluded.

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