JAKARTA - National Awakening Party (PKB) politician Luqman Hakim, denied that Regent Nganjuk Novi Rahman Hidayat, who was caught in a corruption eradication commission (OTT) operation, was one of his party cadres.

He also sent a video link containing Novi Rahman Hidayat's confession about the political party he was based in.

"Together we send a video link on Youtube channel containing the direct recognition of Regent Nganjuk Novi Rahman Hidayat as a cadre of one of the political parties where the political party is not PKB," Luqman said in his statement, Monday, May 10.

In maduTV's video, Novi calls herself a cadre of PDIP at a PDI-P Children's Deliberation event in Nganjuk Regency on February 27 - March 2, 2021.

"I want to convey officially and actually that I am a cadre of PDIP. I am not a cadre of other parties," Novi was quoted as saying by the video.

With the video evidence, Luqman requested that pkb no longer be linked in the case that befell Regent Nganjuk Novi Rahman Hidayat.

Luqman stated, PKB respects the legal steps taken by the KPK in handling corruption cases in the country.

"We respect the legal measures taken by the KPK as a tireless effort to eradicate corruption practices in the country. Both crackdown and prevention measures," he concluded.

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