RIAU - The Riau Islands Provincial Government limits the operating time of shops, cafes, restaurants, and shopping centers to 22.00 to minimize the potential for crowds that could increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

"It should not be later than 22.00 WIB to minimize crowds", said the Governor of Riau Islands Province Ansar Ahmad in Tanjungpinang, Friday, May 7 as quoted by Antara.

Ansar asked the COVID-19 Handling Task Force to carry out patrols, together with TNI and Police apparatus to ensure that the limitation on operating hours of business activities is adhered to.

Business actors found to have violated the operating hours limit will be subject to sanctions in the form of verbal and written warnings, warnings, and the closure of their business premises.

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force, according to him, will also discipline residents to carry out health protocols when doing activities outside the home.

"People who ignore health protocols are also threatened with a reprimand and social sanctions", said Ansar.

Ansar argued that the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Riau Islands in recent weeks, among others, came from the cluster of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) returning through ports in Tanjungpinang and Batam.

"PMI returned from Malaysia, we immediately quarantined it and underwent a swab test. As a result, hundreds of people tested positive for COVID-19", he said.

According to data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the cumulative number of residents affected by COVID-19 in the Riau Islands is a total of 12,133 people with details of 10,256 people who have recovered, 274 people have died, and 1,603 people are still undergoing treatment or self-quarantine.

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