JAKARTA - The National Police claims that the insulation scheme to prevent the people from going home for Eid 2021 is quite effective. Based on the data, the number of vehicles leaving Jakarta to the Java region fell by 53 percent.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the decline in the number of vehicles was the greatest going to West Java, Central Java and East Java.

"At the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate (GT) only 8,732 vehicles, the normal situation is 19,338 vehicles. "The number of passing vehicles has decreased by 53 percent," Argo said in a written statement, Friday, May 7.

In addition, the number of vehicles passing through the Kaliurip Utama GT to West Java has also decreased. Based on data prior to the implementation of this scheme, the number of passing vehicles reached 19,827 per day.

However, after the scheme was implemented, it decreased by 46 percent or 10,629 vehicles per day.

The decline in the number of vehicles, continued Argo, also occurred, which led to the Sumatra region. At least, there was a 19 percent decrease in the number of vehicles.

"It was recorded that 12,044 vehicles left Jakarta to Sumatra via GT Cikupa heading to Merak. Normally 14,853 vehicles," said Argo.

For information, in the 2021 homecoming ban blocking scheme, as many as 12,267 four-wheeled vehicles or cars were asked to make a U-turn.

Then, as many as 7,352 motorbikes, 2,148 cars with passengers, and 1,768 goods vehicles were also asked not to continue their journey.

"So that a total of 23,573 vehicles were turned around on the first day because they were suspected of wanting to travel back and forth," said Argo.

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