JAKARTA - The celebration of Kartini Day, which falls on April 21, makes us realize the importance of the role of women when the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) hits. Women have a large portion of the current corona virus handling.

Erlina Burhan, a pulmonary specialist, said that the contribution of female doctors in Indonesia is equal to that of men, with a share of 50 percent each. In fact, the number of female nurses currently available reaches 80 percent.

"Women in health services have provided quality services according to their respective roles, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Erlina at Graha BNPB, Tuesday, April 21.

In addition, the number of female non-medical volunteers for handling COVID-19 is also greater. Women, he said, instinctively have more ability to educate patients and society. So, if they can take advantage of this to educate the importance of preventing transmission of the corona virus.

"I also really believe that my health workers align their roles between the hospital and community members. For example, providing education on prevention of COVID-19 to vegetable vendors while shopping, then to neighbors through the WhatsApp group," he said.

For women who are not medical personnel, they can encourage the community in their environment to self-isolate at home. Then, they can give encouragement and get rid of the bad stigma about positive patients with COVID-19.

The role of a mother in the family during the COVID-19 pandemic is also quite large. For example, assistance to their children to learn from home, prepare nutritious food, create a comfortable atmosphere in the family, and educate on the prevention of the corona virus.

"For example, I have three children, one is in college and two are still in high school. So far, I do not have much time because I work in the hospital. But, at home, I ask, 'What are you studying today'," he explained. Erlina.

Therefore, Erlina advised all women in Indonesia to do anything in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, even though on a small scale.

Meanwhile, specifically for female health workers, Erlina advised to maintain their health and staminia. This is because they not only face COVID-19 patients, but also patients with other diseases.

"Congratulations to Indonesian women. You are all heroes in the family and heroes in your respective places with their respective roles," she concluded.

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