JAKARTA - The handling of the COVID-19 outbreak has not yet ended. Cases of corona virus transmission are still increasing. This certainly has an impact on the economic condition of the community. The purchasing power of the community's economy has declined due to suggestions to stay at home.

During the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) period, especially in Jakarta, at least 323 thousand workers experienced layoffs (PHK) by their companies. Not to mention, traders who were forced to close their businesses.

Due to these conditions, the Chairperson of the PDIP DPRD DKI Faction Gembong Warsono suggested that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and DKI Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria be willing to give up their operational allowances to help deal with the corona virus.

"Operational funds for the governor and deputy may be used for handling COVID-19," said Gembong to reporters, Monday, April 20.

If calculated, Anies and Riza's operational allowances this year are sufficient to help DKI Jakarta residents in need. The amount of operational funds is stated in Government Regulation Number 109 of 2000.

Article 8 states that operational support costs are used for coordination, overcoming social vulnerabilities in the community, security and other special activities to support the implementation of the duties of the Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head.

This operational allowance is outside the basic salary of the regional head. Anies and Riza were able to take 0.15 percent of Jakarta's original regional revenue (PAD) last year, namely 2019. Anies got 60 percent, while Riza got 40 percent.

For 2019, DKI PAD will reach IDR 42.298 trillion. If calculated, the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI can receive operational support costs of up to IDR 63,448 billion.

The amount of operational funds, said Gembong, could be used to increase the reach of social assistance recipients (bansos) to the poor and vulnerable to poverty due to COVID-19.

Gembong understands that the DKI Provincial Government has disbursed a regional budget of up to IDR 10.64 trillion for all handling of COVID-19. However, according to him, this was not enough. Because, based on facts in the field, the distribution of social assistance in DKI is still not on target.

"Therefore, the operational costs of the Governor and Deputy Governor are able to cover the holes for residents who really need assistance, but they have not yet received it. So, not a single family in DKI escapes this social assistance," he explained.

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