SOLO - Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming together with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) reviewed the prices of basic commodities at the Nusukan Solo Market, Banjarsari, Thursday, May 6 today. On that occasion, Gibran also distributed masks to traders.

"This is what goes up, egg rice?" Gibran's sign to one of the merchants at the location was quoted from the Youtube video beritasurakarta.

"Rice does not go up. Eggs are rising," replied the merchant.

"How many,?" asked Gibran again

"Only a little, Rp21 thousand per kilogram," said the merchant. "Oh, a little increase," replied Gibran.

Gibran then continued the review. One by one the traders were approached and given masks. The eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also did not forget to ask whether the traders had received vaccinations.

"Yes sir," replied the merchant.

Several traders also admitted that the increase in several basic commodities was not too significant. For example, bulk cooking oil, which is usually Rp. 14,000 to Rp. 15,000 per kilo. According to Gibran, the price increase is still in the fair category due to high demand.

There are a number of Solo 'emak-emak' majority traders taking this opportunity to ask Gibran for a photo.

He also happily serves its citizens. There was a moment of closeness between Gibran and 'emak-emak' in the Nusukan market.

"Mas Gibran, take a photo," asked the mother-and-mother trader to Gibran.

"Enggeh (Please take a photo)," Gibran replied, handing him a mask.

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