JEMBRANA - A worker is pinched while demolishing a 15-meter high tower on Ngurah Rai Street, Dauhwaru Village, Jembrana Regency, Bali.

The worker who is stuck in this tower is named Rudi Mulyono. He was caught by a pole at around 17:40 WITA, Tuesday, May 4.

This incident was followed up by Bali SAR officers from Regional Disaster Management Agency Jembrana.

"Immediately after receiving the report, we deployed personnel from the Jembrana SAR post to the location", said Head of The National Search and Rescue Agency Bali Office Gede Darmada, Wednesday, May 5.

Not long after, 8 personnel arrived at the location and joined other SAR elements. The victim was evacuated by using a Transportation Service car.

"The team tried to remove the iron that clamped the victim's hand using a combi cutter", he added.

Finally, around 21.30 WITA, Rudi was successfully evacuated by the joint SAR team and was safe.

"Then taken to Jembrana General Hospital by ambulance", said Darmada.

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